Using Invoke-SPOSiteSwap to Swap in a New Root Site in Office 365 – Follow Up

Last week, I wrote a post about using Invoke-SPOSiteSwap to swap a new modern site into the root site of our Sympraxis tenant. While it worked just great, there were some follow on issues I wanted to document in case you might run into them, too. Nothing horrible, but a bit of required cleanup. The…

Using Invoke-SPOSiteSwap to Swap in a New Root Site in Office 365

Things we used to think of as miracles happen almost every week in Office 365. The latest thing that impressed me is the ability to swap an existing site into the root site of your tenant using the Invoke-SPOSiteSwap PowerShell cmdlet. The Sympraxis tenant has been around since practically the old BPOS days, so the…

Column Formatting in SharePoint Online Rolling Out!

Every once in a while, something comes to Office 365 where no one has anything negative to say. (Is that a back-handed complement?) Column Formatting in @SharePoint Online starts rolling out end of October. — Marc D Anderson (@sympmarc) October 16, 2017 The fact that this tweet got 22 retweets and 34 likes…

Want to Get a Look at the New Communication Sites? Here’s a Trick!

If you’re like me, words can be confusing. When Andy Haon (@AndyHaon) tweeted that Communication sites were starting to roll out, I wanted to get a look. However, I didn’t see the option in my First Release tenant. I wondered what “Select Users” meant and whether I wasn’t one somehow. We began rollout of #SharePoint…

Beware the Office 365 Group -Based Site Regional Settings!!!

This is a quick post, yet it’s still an important one. We’re using more and more Office 365 Group -based SharePoint sites these days. Even when you know you aren’t going to use some of the goodies you end up with, this type of site is making more and more sense. <addendum data-datetime=”Sun May 14…

Dear Microsoft: In Office 365, Groups are Groups are Groups – Unless They Aren’t

One of the problems with using common English words for things like “groups” or “teams” is that we end up trying to figure out the difference between things with very common names. When Sue Hanley (@susanhanley) and I were building our session Lions and Tigers and Teams, Oh My! – Sorting through the options to…

More Granular Permissions for Office 365 Groups: A Work in Progress?

There are changes afoot in the way we can manage permissions in an Office 365 Group Team Site. (Naming for this stuff is getting really tricky. I continue my habit of capitalizing “things” that have a name in the product, to avoid confusion with the “concepts” behind them.) In the last few days, we’re seeing…

The Arctic SharePoint Challenge: A Hackathon for Office 365 Enthusiasts

This is an expanded version of the article I wrote for BZ Media‘s SPTechReport – the folks who bring you SPTechCon – last week. (Use my code ANDERSON when you register for SPTechCon Austin and save an additional $200!) Last week I had the honor of being a judge at the Arctic SharePoint Challenge in Oslo, Norway….