Creating Rules for Microsoft Lists – A Simple Alternative to Power Automate Flows

Somewhere between the classic Alerts functionality and Power Automate flows, we find the ability in Microsoft Lists to create rules for lists. Rules allow us to do some pretty basic – but VERY common things. Creating a rule for a list is fairly straightforward. In the toolbar at the top of the list view, click…

Looping Through Content in a SharePoint 2013 Site Workflow – Part 4 – Get Authorization Info

This entry is part 4 of 4 in the series Looping Through Content in a SharePoint 2013 Site Workflow

In this installment, we’ll focus on the Get Authorization info step. We need to do this step first so that we’re set up to write data later in the workflow. Remember that we were actually trying to create a workflow? If you’ve gotten this far, I’ll forgive you if you’ve already forgotten what the point…

Looping Through Content in a SharePoint 2013 Site Workflow – Part 3 – High Level View of the Workflow

This entry is part 3 of 4 in the series Looping Through Content in a SharePoint 2013 Site Workflow

As I discussed in the first part of the series, my goal is to find all the sales opportunities in a Site Collection and process them based on their characteristics. To do this I’ve created a Site Workflow – SharePoint 2013 flavor – that makes a set of REST calls to traverse the Site Collection…

Looping Through Content in a SharePoint 2013 Site Workflow – Part 2 – Setting Up App Permissions

This entry is part 2 of 4 in the series Looping Through Content in a SharePoint 2013 Site Workflow

Site Workflows are great, but if you want them to reach across into other sites you’ll probably have permission issues. By giving these workflows App Permissions, you’ll be able to let your workflow access content across your Site Collection. In part one of this series I described the basic task we’re trying to solve. We…

Looping Through Content in a SharePoint 2013 Site Workflow – Part 1 – Introduction

This entry is part 1 of 4 in the series Looping Through Content in a SharePoint 2013 Site Workflow

Site Workflows let us run logic independent of lists and libraries. By combining them with REST calls, we can traverse a Site Collection and process multiple lists and their contents by looping though them when we want. In this article, part 1 of the series, we’ll describe the problem we are trying to solve, but…

The ‘MVP Thoughts’ Series – Live from Sharegate World Headquarters

Last month a handful of SharePoint and Office 365 MVPs (now Office Servers and Services MVPs, but who’s counting?) gathered at Sharegate‘s offices in Montreal to help them with their next series of Damn Simple videos. Stay tuned for those. After all the silliness – I mean serious cinematography – Jennifer Roth (@jennifermason), Corey Roth (@coreyroth), Fabian…

SharePoint Forms and Workflow – A Different Perspective

Whenever I get into conversations about forms in SharePoint (or anywhere else for that matter), the conversation almost always turns immediately for workflow. It seems to greatly surprise a lot of people when I say that sometimes workflow is irrelevant for forms. I’d say that 80%+ of SharePoint forms have no workflow at all. (I…

Display All Related Tasks for a SharePoint Workflow Using jQuery, SPServices, and jQueryUI

This was a fun one to build. A client wanted to be able to see all of the related tasks for a workflow without having to do the two or more clicks it can take to get there using a standard SharePoint list view. By layering jQuery, SPServices, and jQueryUI, we were able to display the information in a…

Kicking Off A Sharepoint Workflow from a Button, and [Much] More!

<UPDATE date=”2011-02-14″>: As of jQuery 1.5, single quotes are *required* around z:row or any other similar node selector. This was actually “required” in previous versions of jQuery, but not enforced. </UPDATE> Cross-posted from… A little while ago, I noticed that a fellow named Rob Doyle was asking some interesting questions about working with workflows…