WordPress and Blackbird Pie: “There was a problem connecting to Twitter”

I have been using WordPress longer than a lot of people. I think I first moved from Windows Live’s blogging platform to WordPress around 2007. Because I’ve been here a long time, I’ve got some plugins that have been around for a long time. One of those is the Twitter Blackbird Pie WordPress Plugin. The…

Moving My Blog from WordPress.com to Hosted WordPress.org

I’ve been thinking about moving my blog from WordPress.com to some sort of hosted environment running WordPress.org’s version of WordPress for a while. With all of the jQuery and CSS stuff that I do and other possibilities for customization and monetization, it just makes a lot of sense for me to have more control over…

SharePoint 2010 Theme for WordPress

I got an interesting email today. I work with a company called Portal Front Hosting, a dedicated SharePoint hosting provider, and we have a new WordPress theme that is free to download and is inspired by SharePoint 2010. The link to a preview and download the theme can be found here: http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/sharepointforwordpress. Since you discuss…

Fun With My Blog Stats

One of the great things about WordPress, and one of the main reasons I switched my blog over from Live Spaces, is the Dashboard.  The statistics that it shows you are really helpful in understanding what you’re writing about that people actually find useful. (Or at least click on.  There’s no beating comments for real…

Importing Blogroll Links into WordPress from an Outlook 2007 OPML Export

If you’d like to import your RSS feeds from Outlook 2007 into your WordPress blogroll, you can use the Tools / Import capability, as outlined in this WordPress support article.  However, when I went to do this, no matter how many times I tried it, it wouldn’t work. I finally exported my existing blogroll from…