SPServices: What About Deprecation of the SOAP Web Services?

SPServices user JSdream asked a question in the SPServices Discussions on Codeplex the other day that’s worthy of a more prominent response. Should we, who use SPServices, be concerned at all with Microsoft recommending not to use either the ASMX web services in SharePoint 2013 (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/jj164060.aspx#DeprecatedAPIs) or the owssvr.dll (I used this one a lot…

SPServices Stories #21 – Redirect If User Clicked a Button Previously

This entry is part 22 of 21 in the series SPServices Stories

Introduction Ingeborg Hawighorst (@IngeborgNZ) is a long-time SPServices user who has come up with any number of intriguing uses for the library. I’d recommend her blog anytime if you’d like to learn about interesting things you can do with SharePoint, but even more so if Excel is your bag. Ingeborg has been an Excel MVP…

The MOSS Show SharePoint Podcast: Episode 87 – Talking JavaScript with Marc Anderson

Back in late January, I sat down – in the virtual sense, as usual – with Hilton Giesenow (@hiltongiesenow or the slightly more active @TheMossShow) to have a chat about JavaScript for his MOSS Show SharePoint Podcast. At the time, we were in the throes of trying to figure out what had happened on Office365…

Microsoft Cloud Show Episode 016 – Interview with Marc Anderson on Recent Changes Impacting Customers on Office 365

A few weeks back, I sat down (virtually, of course) with Andrew Connell (@AndrewConnell) and Chris Johnson (@LoungeFlyZ) to record an episode of the Microsoft Cloud Show. Andrew was in Florida, I was in Boston, and Chris was way around the world in New Zealand. Ah, the wonders of modern technology. The only place to…

jQuery Library for SharePoint Web Services (SPServices) 2014.01 Released

Hot on the heels of the short-lived SPServices 2013.02 and it’s younger, wiser sibling 2013.02a, comes SPServices 2014.01. I wanted to do a new release with some cool new functionality, but Microsoft really forced my hand with some changes to title attributes on some column types. (See: Office 365 Update Changes ‘Display Name’ on Required…

SPServices Stories #20 – Modify User Profile Properties on SharePoint Online 2013 using SPServices

This entry is part 20 of 21 in the series SPServices Stories

Introduction Sometimes people ask me why I’m still bothering with the crufty old SOAP Web Services in SPServices. After all, there are REST and CSOM to play with and Microsoft has decided to deprecate the SOAP Web Services. Well in some cases, the Shiny New Toys don’t let you get the job done. In cases…

SPServices Stories #19 – Folders in SharePoint are as necessary as evil. Make the best of it using jQuery and SPServices.

This entry is part 18 of 21 in the series SPServices Stories

Introduction Ever on the hunt for good SPServices Stories, I spotted this cool one a few weeks back when Patrick Penn (@nfpenn) posted a screenshot of something he had done on Twitter. I encouraged him to do a post about it and this is the result: Folders in SharePoint are as necessary as evil. Make…

Office 365 Update Changes ‘Display Name’ on Required Fields

Observant SPServices user GregRT noticed something on Office365 today that I figured couldn’t be true. He posted the following in the discussions on the SPServices Codeplex site: FYI – I had left my debug on. Users were getting errors on there forms that a field could not be found by SPServices. MSFT has changed the…

MetaVis SharePoint MVP Webinars Series – Single-Page Applications (SPAs) in SharePoint Using SPServices

Thanks to all who attended the webinar that Dave Coleman (@davecoleman146) and I did today about Single-Page Applications (SPAs) in SharePoint Using SPServices. The webinar was based on my series here of the same name, so if you’re interested in more detail on how I go about building these things, give that a gander. Thanks…

jQuery Library for SharePoint Web Services (SPServices) 2013.02 Re-Released

Back on December 28, 2013, I released SPServices 2013.02, just squeaking in under the wire to be able to name it thusly. Soon after the release, Paul Tavares (@paul_tavares) and I noticed a few significant issues. These issues are fixed in 2013.02a. If you downloaded 2013.02, please replace it with 2013.02a. For the record, the issues…