MetaVis SharePoint MVP Webinars Series – Single-Page Applications (SPAs) in SharePoint Using SPServices

Thanks to all who attended the webinar that Dave Coleman (@davecoleman146) and I did today about Single-Page Applications (SPAs) in SharePoint Using SPServices. The webinar was based on my series here of the same name, so if you’re interested in more detail on how I go about building these things, give that a gander. Thanks…

Single-Page Applications (SPAs) in SharePoint Using SPServices – Part 4 – GetListItemChangesSinceToken

As I mentioned in the last part of the series, when we build a Single Page Application (SPA), we’ll usually want to keep the data we’re displaying up to date. GetListItems and GetListItemChanges are two of the operations that can help with this, but the more robust option is GetListItemChangesSinceToken (MSDN documentation). In fact, it’s…

Single-Page Applications (SPAs) in SharePoint Using SPServices – Part 3 – GetListItemChanges

In building a Single Page Application (SPA), we’ll usually want to keep the data we’re displaying up to date. You can probably think of many examples where you see this on the Web, but newsfeeds are a prime example. While we’re sitting on the page, we see newly posted content pop up, usually on the…

Single-Page Applications (SPAs) in SharePoint Using SPServices – Part 2 – GetListItems

As I mentioned in the first part of the series, we have several workhorse operations at our disposal in the SOAP Web Services with which we can build our Single-page Applications (SPAs). (Of course, which API you use is somewhat unimportant. All of the techniques here should work using REST or CSOM, too. I’m just…

Single-Page Applications (SPAs) in SharePoint Using SPServices – Part 1 – Introduction

Single-page applications (SPAs) are nothing new on the Web. However, like Responsive Web Design (RWD), SPAs are gaining favor as a way to enable real work with an improved user experience (UX). From the Wikipedia definition of SPA: A single-page application (SPA), also known as single-page interface (SPI), is a web application or web site…

SPServices Stories #13: Durandal SP3: Developing SharePoint SPAs Made Easy

This entry is part 13 of 21 in the series SPServices Stories

Introduction Rainer Wittman (@RainerAtSpirit) and I have been emailing back and forth for a few weeks now. He’s been trying out the new alpha of SPServices 2013.01 which includes jQuery promises aka Deferred objects capabilities (soon to be a real release, I promise!) with the Durandal JavaScript framework. Durandal is a framework for building SPAs,…