Clean Up Unwanted Site Columns from Content Types and Lists/Libraries

Another day, another chunk of PowerShell. Sometimes when we iteratively build out our information architecture, we’re over-zealous. It seems like we need a set of Site Columns to maintain metadata on lists or libraries, but in the end, we decide we want to trim away a few of the Site Columns we’ve created. Or, maybe…

Grant Permissions to All Communication Sites Associated with a Hub Site

This isn’t rocket science, but it’s something I do often enough that I want to lodge the PowerShell in a post instead of continuing to rewrite it. When we are building an Intranet, we often want to grant permissions for all the Communication Sites to a small set of people during the testing process. This…

Power Apps: Filtering by Multi-select SharePoint Columns

No matter how long I work with the Power Platform, I’m always running into things which feel like they should be simple, but simply aren’t. Recently, I needed to filter a SharePoint list as a data source which had a multi-select Person or Group column. It’s a simple idea, really. The list is one which…

Storman: An Old Workhorse that’s Still Valuable

There probably aren’t a lot of people who use the Storage Management page in SharePoint these days, but I find it really helpful. When we do migrations it’s invaluable, especially when we are looking at a “legacy” – read: classic – pyramid of a Site Collection, with lots of nested subsites. Sure, there are fancier…

Opening Office Documents in Client Applications Instead of the Browser

At Sympraxis, we work with organizations in a wide variety of industries. That’s one of the reasons we love working with SharePoint and Office 365 – there are no vertical focuses required. Organizations of just about every size and shape use these platforms, which makes life much more interesting. That said, people in different industries…

Information Architecture in the Modern World: Chasm One – Managing Content Types

We’re in an interesting time in the SharePoint world. Rather than waiting for three year product cycles like we did in the past, we’re along for the ride. To me, it feels like we’re nearing the end of one of the cycles, as modern SharePoint has almost fully taken hold – at least in Office…