SPXSLT (SharePoint XSL Templates) Release 0.0.6

I just released a new version of the SPXSLT Codeplex Project with a few minor changes. I’ve added a new template called GetUserNames. It’s very similar to GetUserIDs, except that it parses out the user names (rather than IDs) from a Person or Group column value. It requires the GetUserName template to function. Both GetUserNames…

Kicking Off A Sharepoint Workflow from a Button, and [Much] More!

<UPDATE date=”2011-02-14″>: As of jQuery 1.5, single quotes are *required* around z:row or any other similar node selector. This was actually “required” in previous versions of jQuery, but not enforced. </UPDATE> Cross-posted from EndUserSharePoint.com… A little while ago, I noticed that a fellow named Rob Doyle was asking some interesting questions about working with workflows…

Using a DataSource in a Data View Web Part (DVWP) in a Different Site in SharePoint Designer 2010

For whatever reason, Microsoft in its infinite wisdom seems to have removed the ‘Connect to another library…’ link in the Data Source Library in SharePoint Designer 2010. Maybe that capability is hidden somewhere else now, but as my pal Chris Givens pointed out the other day in his Missing Features from SharePoint Designer 2010 post, it’s…