SharePoint Designer 2013 Crashing on Open Site: The Fix

The Problem My Office365 tenant has become half-upgraded from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013. (If you want to read more of my whinging about this, checkout this thread on SPYam.) This leaves me in the unenviable position of having to use SharePoint Designer 2013 (SPD2013) with my SharePoint 2010 Office 365 tenant. Unenviable because, as…

Displaying Blog Posts in Different Sites in SharePoint 2010

SharePoint blogs are no one’s favorite. There is just enough functionality there to make them useful, but not enough functionality to make them useful enough. On top of that, blogs are sites, not lists. That seems counterintuitive on one level – isn’t it just a list of posts? – but it makes sense on other…

Hide a Document Library from the Browser with SharePoint Designer 2010

Hiding a Document library from user in the browser is straightforward using SharePoint Designer (SPD) and there is a single setting to accomplish it. First, open the site with SPD. Once the site is open, you will see the list of objects contained within the site down the left side of the screen. By default,…

Using Unescaped CAML in a Data View Web Part (DWVP) in SharePoint Designer 2010

I’ve created more customized Data View Web Parts (DVWPs) than I could possibly count, but I still learn new stuff all the time. Tonight I was trying to get a DVWP to switch into DataSourceMode=”CrossList” and I accidentally noticed a nice little trick. If you right-click on the DVWP and select Properties, a Tag Properties…

Compound Filtering in Data View Web Parts (DVWPs) with SharePoint Designer

When you build a Data View Web Part (DVWP) in SharePoint Designer, there are times when you might need compound filtering. By this, I mean something like: Show me the items where (City=”Abington” or Approval Status=”Approved”) and Approval Status!=”Pending” It’s sort of a silly example, but you should get the gist. Where you put the…