Determine if a SharePoint Publishing Page Is in Design Mode (Edit Mode) with Script

Today I was working on some script for the home page of a SharePoint 2013 site which added the jQueryUI accordion behaviour to all of the Web Parts within a Web Part Zone. When I went into edit mode, it was pretty frustrating to have the accorsdions kick in, so I looked around for a way…

Comparing SPServices 2013.01 Calls with Async vs. Promises Methods

SPServices 2013.01 is almost ready for release and I’m hoping that when you see the coolness here that you’ll want to get your hands on the beta to do a little testing with it. I’ve put together a pretty simple demo page to show how great it can be to use jQuery .Deferred objects (aka…

SPServices Stories #13: Durandal SP3: Developing SharePoint SPAs Made Easy

This entry is part 13 of 21 in the series SPServices Stories

Introduction Rainer Wittman (@RainerAtSpirit) and I have been emailing back and forth for a few weeks now. He’s been trying out the new alpha of SPServices 2013.01 which includes jQuery promises aka Deferred objects capabilities (soon to be a real release, I promise!) with the Durandal JavaScript framework. Durandal is a framework for building SPAs,…

Using _spPageContextInfo to Determine the Current SharePoint Context in Script

Sahil Malik had an extremely useful little post about a month back that I emailed to myself and then promptly forgot. Today, Mikael Svenson pointed back to Sahil’s in a post of his own that is also very useful. I’m going to steal a little from both posts for this one. I hope Sahil and Mikael don’t…

SPServices Futures: Moving to jQuery’s Deferred Objects and More

As I gear up to work on the next release of SPServices, I want to make some pretty fundamental changes/improvements to the internal plumbing. What I’m hoping to do with this post is to gather any ideas and feedback that the user community has about the implementation before I go too far with things. Deferred…

SharePoint Designer 2013’s Missing Design View

[important]If you’re interested in this topic, also see my follow up post.[/important] Yesterday I posted in Microsoft’s SharePoint 2013 Preview for IT Professionals forum about my concern that that the Design View (and by extension, the Split View in case you were wondering) is no longer available in SharePoint Designer 2013. There are a lot…