Getting User Information with the SharePoint 2013 REST API

Sometimes the tiniest little throw-away comment on an article out there somewhere can prove useful to someone. Sometimes, it’s even a comment I’ve made. That’s Andrew “AC” Clark (@bitterac) who tweeted. I may get a club soda out of it, but at Andrew’s suggestion, I figured I’d put up a post as well. There’s far…

Single-Page Applications (SPAs) in SharePoint Using SPServices – Part 4 – GetListItemChangesSinceToken

As I mentioned in the last part of the series, when we build a Single Page Application (SPA), we’ll usually want to keep the data we’re displaying up to date. GetListItems and GetListItemChanges are two of the operations that can help with this, but the more robust option is GetListItemChangesSinceToken (MSDN documentation). In fact, it’s…

Fix Internet Explorer Crashes with SharePoint 2013 Online Presence Indicators

Until the other day when I figured this out, every time I hovered my mouse pointer over a presence indicator on SharePoint Online, my browser – which is Internet Explorer 10 at the moment – would crash. It wasn’t some polite little crash, either. The window would freeze, the dreaded “Internet Explorer has stopped working”…

From the SPServices Discussions: Why Should I Bother to Learn XSLT?

Here’s a question from gdavis321 from the good old SPServices discussions. In most cases, I just answer the questions in situ, but occasionally – as you frequent readers know – I realize what I’m writing feels more like a blog post, so I move it over here. It seems that Spservices (thank you for this…

Single-Page Applications (SPAs) in SharePoint Using SPServices – Part 3 – GetListItemChanges

In building a Single Page Application (SPA), we’ll usually want to keep the data we’re displaying up to date. You can probably think of many examples where you see this on the Web, but newsfeeds are a prime example. While we’re sitting on the page, we see newly posted content pop up, usually on the…

SharePoint Saturday Chicago 2013 Follow Up

I can honestly say that I’m sure that everyone enjoyed SharePoint Saturday Chicago yesterday. From the location at the Hard Rock Chicago to the fantastic speaker line up (I snuck in) to the overall convivial atmosphere, it was an event to remember. Kudos go out to Kris Wagner (@SharePointKris), Doug Hemminger (@DougHemminger), Chris Geier (@chrisgeier), and Bryan Gulley (@UXJester)…

Single-Page Applications (SPAs) in SharePoint Using SPServices – Part 2 – GetListItems

As I mentioned in the first part of the series, we have several workhorse operations at our disposal in the SOAP Web Services with which we can build our Single-page Applications (SPAs). (Of course, which API you use is somewhat unimportant. All of the techniques here should work using REST or CSOM, too. I’m just…

Single-Page Applications (SPAs) in SharePoint Using SPServices – Part 1 – Introduction

Single-page applications (SPAs) are nothing new on the Web. However, like Responsive Web Design (RWD), SPAs are gaining favor as a way to enable real work with an improved user experience (UX). From the Wikipedia definition of SPA: A single-page application (SPA), also known as single-page interface (SPI), is a web application or web site…

Setting a Rich Text Column in a SharePoint Form with jQuery – SharePoint 2010

I have gotten several questions on an older post of mine titled Setting a Rich Text Column in a SharePoint Form with jQuery from a guy named Travis. He’s been struggling to try to use the script in the post to get at the text in a Rich Text Editor (RTE) in SharePoint 2007. I just…

SharePoint 2013’s Search Continuous Crawl: An Enigma

I’m doing some work in SharePoint 2013 and we want to take advantage of as many out of the box capabilities as possible. We’re replacing an existing Intranet that has grown up in SharePoint from 2007 to 2010, and we’d like to rebuild with as little custom code as possible, since SharePoint 2013 now contains features…