Using ShareGate PowerShell to Download SharePoint Content

You might be surprised by the title of this post. Isn’t our goal to get everyone’s content *into* SharePoint? Usually that’s the case, for sure. But many times, in the course of a migration from an older (usually on premises) version of SharePoint, we identify whole sites or branches of subsites that simply don’t have…

An Inconvenient PowerShell Error: “format-default : The collection has not been initialized”

For many months now, I’ve been getting our favorite kind of error – a sporadic one – when I am running PnP PowerShell which loops through the same code many times. The errors look something like this: format-default : The collection has not been initialized. It has not been requested or the request has not…

Beware the Office 365 Group -Based Site Regional Settings!!!

This is a quick post, yet it’s still an important one. We’re using more and more Office 365 Group -based SharePoint sites these days. Even when you know you aren’t going to use some of the goodies you end up with, this type of site is making more and more sense. <addendum data-datetime=”Sun May 14…

Reconciling Changes While Moving Content in SharePoint – “Flat” Views

Lots of times when I’m working on a content migration in SharePoint – almost always with Sharegate! – some stuff happens. Probably the most common thing is that someone edits content in the old location before we manage to shut off permissions. People – yeesh! Here’s a little trick that not a lot of people…

The ‘MVP Thoughts’ Series – Live from Sharegate World Headquarters

Last month a handful of SharePoint and Office 365 MVPs (now Office Servers and Services MVPs, but who’s counting?) gathered at Sharegate‘s offices in Montreal to help them with their next series of Damn Simple videos. Stay tuned for those. After all the silliness – I mean serious cinematography – Jennifer Roth (@jennifermason), Corey Roth (@coreyroth), Fabian…