Enable support for lookup columns in other webs in the REST API – Boom! It’s Done?

On Jul 28, 2015, I posted a little item in SharePoint UserVoice: Enable support for lookup columns in other webs in the REST API. It actually seemed like a pretty simple idea, especially since this used to work in earlier versions of SharePoint. Fast forward to this week, and the UserVoice item got the wonderful Boom! It’s…

Sending Emails from SharePoint Solutions Using Microsoft Flow

It’s not at all unusual to want to send an email from some page in SharePoint where there isn’t a native capability available. While there are lots of external services which can send email for us – like SendGrid – we usually want to keep the email “in house” in an enterprise environment. (In fact,…

Let’s Capture Missing or Insufficient SharePoint REST Endpoints

Today I got an alert that the SharePoint UserVoice suggestion from Corey Roth (@coreyroth) entitled Add managed metadata term store operations to REST API got the coveted “Thinking About It” tag from the Product Group. I like to tweet out changes like this to let people know the Product Group is listening and acting on our…

SharePoint Online Search Isn’t Displaying What I Expect – Part 1 – Trimmed Duplicates

This entry is part 1 of 2 in the series SharePoint Online Search Isn't Displaying What I Expect

For years, I’ve been skeptical about search indexing in SharePoint, especially in SharePoint Online in Office 365. The fact that we can’t know when a search crawl has run – thus updating the indices – is a huge part of the problem. In the early days, before Content Search Web Parts (CSWPs) were available in…

Dear Microsoft: Please Fix Retrieving SharePoint Lookup Columns with REST When the Lookup List is in Another Web

I love SharePoint. I really do. I especially love writing client side code to build awesome applications for my clients. Today’s annoyance, though, comes while I am in the process of rewriting an application I built on SharePoint 2007, porting it to SharePoint Online in Office 365. This ought to feel like a huge leap…

Yes, Virginia, You Can Get More than 5000 SharePoint Items with REST

If you haven’t been paying any attention, you might not know that I loathe the 5000 item limit in SharePoint. I may have mentioned it here and here and here and a bunch of other places, but I’m not sure. But given it’s there, we often need to work around it. I’ve written this little function…

Retrieving the Content Type in a REST Call in SharePoint 2013 On Premises

I’m working in a SharePoint 2013 on premises installation, and I needed to get the ContentType back from a REST call. Content Type is often the most important piece of metadata in a list or library, with the detailed metadata for the Content Type coming in as secondary. It certainly matters which Content Type you…