Sending Emails to an Office 365 Group When the Group Was Created from Teams

No matter how long you work with Office 365, you find little strange things that don’t make any sense. We’re working at the Office 365 Hands-On Kitchen at SPTechCon Boston. On a beautiful Sunday in August inside a meat locker. (It’s really cold in the Sheraton.) You should really be here. We were testing News…

Beware the Office 365 Group -Based Site Regional Settings!!!

This is a quick post, yet it’s still an important one. We’re using more and more Office 365 Group -based SharePoint sites these days. Even when you know you aren’t going to use some of the goodies you end up with, this type of site is making more and more sense. <addendum data-datetime=”Sun May 14…

Dear Microsoft: In Office 365, Groups are Groups are Groups – Unless They Aren’t

One of the problems with using common English words for things like “groups” or “teams” is that we end up trying to figure out the difference between things with very common names. When Sue Hanley (@susanhanley) and I were building our session Lions and Tigers and Teams, Oh My! – Sorting through the options to…

Office 365 Groups: Let People Outside the Organization Email the Group

As a consultant, on a daily basis I’m working in multiple Office 365 tenants. In some of those tenants I have an account (license) with my own Sympraxis email, and in many others, I have an email address within the client organization’s domain. Believe me, it all gets pretty confusing – if it weren’t for…

More Granular Permissions for Office 365 Groups: A Work in Progress?

There are changes afoot in the way we can manage permissions in an Office 365 Group Team Site. (Naming for this stuff is getting really tricky. I continue my habit of capitalizing “things” that have a name in the product, to avoid confusion with the “concepts” behind them.) In the last few days, we’re seeing…

Naming New Office 365 Groups Intelligently Is !Important

Sympraxis is starting a new Office 365 -based Intranet project with Sue Hanley (@susanhanley). Julie (@jfj1997) and I are really going to enjoy working with Sue! As always when we’re starting a project, we want to start collaborating with the client project team in the tools we’re rolling out for their organization. It’s a funny…

Dear Microsoft: I’m Confused. Can You Help Me Collaborate Well?

Yup, I’ll admit it: I’m confused. The launch of Microsoft Teams last week is what’s done it. First of all, from everything I’ve seen of the new tool, it’s really cool. I had some trouble getting my head around how to get it up and running in our Sympraxis Office 365 tenant, but now Julie…