Dear Microsoft: In Office 365, Groups are Groups are Groups – Unless They Aren’t

One of the problems with using common English words for things like “groups” or “teams” is that we end up trying to figure out the difference between things with very common names. When Sue Hanley (@susanhanley) and I were building our session Lions and Tigers and Teams, Oh My! – Sorting through the options to…

InfoPath Forms with Master Page Applied or Script Enabled

Say what you will about InfoPath. It’s a dead technology, it’s not getting any Microsoft love, it’s only for the wealthy (Forms Services is only available only in Enterprise -level CALs of SharePoint), it has no future. I’ve heard all of these and more. That said, it’s a pretty solid technology and works. We can…

SharePoint Saturday New Hampshire (SPSNH) and SharePointFest Chicago 2012 Follow Up

Last week was a busy one for me, not so much with client work (though I managed to get a lot of that in, too), but with speaking at SharePoint events. On Saturday, September 22, I was honored to deliver one sixth of the sessions in the keynote slot which kicked off the day. My…

InnerWorkings Adds SharePoint 2010 to Its Learning Platform in Partnership with USPJ Academy

Over at the USPJ Academy, we’re really excited to finally be able to talk publicly about the partnership we’ve formed with InnerWorkings. We’ve been working hard with them over the last few months to get our content and platform capabilities integrated with theirs to deliver our classes to their customer base. We’re proud of our…

What Should Microsoft Do for the SharePoint Community – My Opinions

This post was cross-posted on on 23 November, 2010. As with so many things these days, this post started off in a conversation on Twitter. Eric Ligman, Microsoft Global Partner Experience Lead, tweeted a question: “What would you like to see from #Microsoft from a social networking/community perspective? #socialmedia #mspartner“. Here’s the conversation from…

UseSimpleRendering in a SharePoint 2010 Navigation Menu

Heather Waterman and I were talking about some stuff today (Name dropper, you say? Absolutely!) and she pointed out an interesting little trick with an SharePoint:AspMenu control. SharePoint:AspMenu controls are used in SharePoint to dynamically create navigational elements like the top navigation tabs. In SharePoint 2007, those tabs were rendered as pretty complicated TABLE constructs,…