The SharePoint 2010 “List View Lookup Threshold” and Why We Don’t Change It

I’m a huge fan of Lookup columns in SharePoint. Choice columns just don’t give me enough oomph, and Managed Metadata Columns give me plenty of oomph, but not all that I need. With Lookup columns, I can lookup into the Title of a reference list, but also store additional information in that list which is…

Updating a Lookup Column Using SharePoint’s Lists Web Service

The SPServices discussions are a fount of interesting information. I find myself answering all sorts of questions which, while connected to SPServices, are often just as much about how SharePoint works in general. I had two questions recently about how to update Lookup columns with UpdateListItems, and I thought they would be of general interest….

Displaying a Multi-Select Column "Nicely"

UPDATE 2010-08-26: I’ve added this template to the SPXSLT project on Codeplex. There’s a bit more explanation there. UPDATE 2010-04-27: Shalin Parmar pointed out in a comment below that I had  a bug in the template where the separator would only be displayed between the first and second values.  I’ve made a change to the template to…