KnockoutJS with SharePoint: Fixing ‘Error: You cannot apply bindings multiple times to the same element.’

I’ve been using KnockoutJS to build functionality into SharePoint pages for a while now. (In case you’ve ever wondered, yes, it’s the same thing people mean when they simply say “Knockout” or “KO”.) Setting everything up with KnockoutJS can take a bit longer than hard-wiring things with jQuery – depending on what you are trying…

SPServices Stories #16: Beginning SharePoint Development with KoSp – Knockout for SharePoint, REST API and SPServices

Introduction There were a few tweets from Ashok Raja today that caught my eye. Blogged: Introducing #KoSp – #Knockout binding handlers for #SharePoint 2013 and 2010 #RestAPI and #SPServices — Ashok Raja (@Ashok_Raja) September 10, 2013 Blogged: Beginning #SharePoint development with #KoSp – #Knockout for SharePoint , #RESTAPI and #SPServices — Ashok Raja (@Ashok_Raja)…