Adding jQuery+SPServices to a SharePoint Page: Step One, Always

As a follow up to my prior post Adding jQuery to a SharePoint Page: Step One, Always, here’s another step one, always, for when you are using jQuery+SPServices. Even if you have referenced the jQuery library correctly, you still may not be referencing SPServices correctly. To make sure that SPServices is referenced correctly, add this…

Updating a Lookup Column Using SharePoint’s Lists Web Service

The SPServices discussions are a fount of interesting information. I find myself answering all sorts of questions which, while connected to SPServices, are often just as much about how SharePoint works in general. I had two questions recently about how to update Lookup columns with UpdateListItems, and I thought they would be of general interest….

Office365 Makes Developing in SharePoint’s Middle Tier More Relevant

If you’ve stuck your head out from under your rock at all recently, you’ve heard about Office365. There was a huge hullabaloo in NYC and elsewhere yesterday to accompany the “big announcement” (which most of us have been hearing about for probably six months now) as Microsoft launched Office365 globally . It may not surprise…