Using the Signature Pad jQuery Plugin with SharePoint & InfoPath – Redux

I’m using Thomas Bradley’s Signature Pad plugin for a project, which I’ve used successfully before. The twist this time is that I want to save the signature as an image rather than just as JSON. There’s a method called getSignatureImage()  that works just fine to grab the signature as a base64 string, like so (this is…

Using RequireJS to Load the Right Version of jQuery Depending on Internet Explorer Version

Here’s a cool trick you can use with RequireJS. I found it in a post by @rnsloan called Conditionally Loading jQuery 2.x. Since environments with SharePoint can often have a mixed bag of browser versions, this conditional setting lets us load jQuery 2.x when the browser can handle it (generally IE 9+) or jQuery 1.x…

jQuery Library for SharePoint Web Services (SPServices) 2014.02 Released

Just in time for the holiday gift-giving season, I’m releasing SPServices 2014.02. This is the second release in 2014 (which you should be able to glean from the release name). If you’re using an earlier version of SPServices, I strongly recommend an upgrade. Read on. The most important change in this release is due to…

Using the Signature Pad jQuery Plugin with SharePoint & InfoPath

Have you ever needed to capture signatures in SharePoint forms? What about InfoPath forms? I’m betting many people have seen a need to do this but have balked at the cost or complexity of the available solutions. A client of mine named Cody Sellers (@codyjsellers), who works for Mercom Corporation had just such a need….

SPServices Stories #21 – Redirect If User Clicked a Button Previously

This entry is part 22 of 21 in the series SPServices Stories

Introduction Ingeborg Hawighorst (@IngeborgNZ) is a long-time SPServices user who has come up with any number of intriguing uses for the library. I’d recommend her blog anytime if you’d like to learn about interesting things you can do with SharePoint, but even more so if Excel is your bag. Ingeborg has been an Excel MVP…

The MOSS Show SharePoint Podcast: Episode 87 – Talking JavaScript with Marc Anderson

Back in late January, I sat down – in the virtual sense, as usual – with Hilton Giesenow (@hiltongiesenow or the slightly more active @TheMossShow) to have a chat about JavaScript for his MOSS Show SharePoint Podcast. At the time, we were in the throes of trying to figure out what had happened on Office365…

KnockoutJS with SharePoint: Fixing ‘Error: You cannot apply bindings multiple times to the same element.’

I’ve been using KnockoutJS to build functionality into SharePoint pages for a while now. (In case you’ve ever wondered, yes, it’s the same thing people mean when they simply say “Knockout” or “KO”.) Setting everything up with KnockoutJS can take a bit longer than hard-wiring things with jQuery – depending on what you are trying…

jQuery Library for SharePoint Web Services (SPServices) 2014.01 Released

Hot on the heels of the short-lived SPServices 2013.02 and it’s younger, wiser sibling 2013.02a, comes SPServices 2014.01. I wanted to do a new release with some cool new functionality, but Microsoft really forced my hand with some changes to title attributes on some column types. (See: Office 365 Update Changes ‘Display Name’ on Required…

Regex Selector for jQuery by James Padolsey FTW

In researching how to fix the issue with Office 365 Update Changes ‘Display Name’ on Required Fields in SPServices, I came across some true awesomeness from James Padolsky (@Padolsey). jQuery is eminently extendable, and people do it all the time by creating plugins, additional libraries, etc. After all, it’s all just JavaScript, right? However, I’ve…

SPServices Stories #20 – Modify User Profile Properties on SharePoint Online 2013 using SPServices

This entry is part 20 of 21 in the series SPServices Stories

Introduction Sometimes people ask me why I’m still bothering with the crufty old SOAP Web Services in SPServices. After all, there are REST and CSOM to play with and Microsoft has decided to deprecate the SOAP Web Services. Well in some cases, the Shiny New Toys don’t let you get the job done. In cases…