SharePoint and Your Mobile Strategy: Be Sure to Have One!

These days, if you have a site running in SharePoint the odds of someone coming to it with a mobile device are increasing extremely rapidly. This is certainly true if you have an Internet-facing site, but also highly likely even for corporate Intranets. For this post, I’m going to pick on my friends at the Boston…

Trying to Be Twitterific

I’ve decided to try out this Twitter thing that all the kids are talking about.  On my recent vacation, I made a concerted effort to imagine having Twitter available as we went around doing things: “Just saw a monkey cross the road”, “Ziplining ought to be a verb because it is so much fun”, “Boy, this is…

iPhone and Exchange Synchronization Problems – Maybe a Solution?

In a previous post, I talked about the problems that I was having getting emails on my iPhone when I was getting SharePoint alerts.  I still haven’t figured out the issue, but here’s something I’m trying to solve it. My Exchange hosting provider recently pointed out that I had exceeded my quota, so I went…

iPhone and SharePoint Alerts Through Hosted Exchange

I love my iPhone.  I mean I *really* love my iPhone.  I’ve had it for about a month and a half now, and it is truly an amazing piece of technology and extremely well done.  As most of us who are fundamentally Microsoft folks say, “Microsoft take note”! However, here’s a little bugaboo with SharePoint…