Project and List Properties Available from CAML

When you are building a DVWP in SharePoint, there are some project (Web site) and list properties that are available to you directly from CAML that aren’t well-documented, which you can use if you request them directly.  For instance, if you add the following to your CAML <ListProperty Name=”Title” /><ProjectProperty Name=”Title” />, the titles of…

Possible Bug in Aggregate Data Sources in DVWPs?

I think I’ve found a bug in using aggregate data sources in DVWPs with SQL Stored Procedures.  I’m trying to use the results of a Stored Procedure combined with the content of a list in SharePoint.  I’ve isolated the issue to the Stored Procedure. The first asp:SqlDataSource statement below is what I want the data…

SharePoint Saturday Boston – March 14, 2009

Another name drop and tip ‘o the hat to Mauro Cardarelli for bringing this one to my attention.  SharePoint Saturday is coming to Boston.  I’m going to see if I can’t get in as a speaker to talk about my SharePoint Designer DVWP stuff.  Working title: Developing with SharePoint Designer: The Middle Tier, Focus on Data…

Site Column Name Truncation in Custom Lists vs. Document Libraries

I think I’ve found an interesting (if you think things like this are interesting) difference between Document Libraries and Custom lists when it comes to the use of Site Columns.  I had some filtering code in a DVWP that ought to have worked the same way on both a Custom List and a Document Library,…

Displaying the First N Words of a Long Rich Text Column with XSL

When you want to display blog posts and announcements with DVWPs in your SharePoint Site Collection, you usually don’t want to display the full posts, but just enough to indicate what the item is about and to let the user know if they should click to see more.  An example might be showing the last 3…

Passing Query String Values as Part of the Source Query String Parameter in SharePoint

SharePoint has a nice capability on many pages where, if you pass a Query String parameter named Source with a value of a page URL, the user is returned to that page when they are done with the activity.  An example would be when a user clicks on an ‘Add new document’ list on a…