Thoughts on ‘In the New World Order, Microsoft’s Biggest Competition is IT’

There’s an excellent article on WindowsITPro, posted on September 5, 2013, by Rod Trent called In the New World Order, Microsoft’s Biggest Competition is IT. I encourage you to read the article in its entirety, but a few bits stand out for me. …for [Microsoft’s Cloud offerings] to actually work, Microsoft also has to alter…


From Annoyance to Harmonizer: Cloud Computing’s Maturity Curve

There’s an interesting article over on today from Joe McKendrick called From Annoyance to Harmonizer: Cloud Computing’s Maturity Curve. Those who know me would probably say that I’m no shrinking violet in my commenting on articles on the Web, but I read a lot of articles that don’t provoke me to comment. This one…

Office365 Makes Developing in SharePoint’s Middle Tier More Relevant

If you’ve stuck your head out from under your rock at all recently, you’ve heard about Office365. There was a huge hullabaloo in NYC and elsewhere yesterday to accompany the “big announcement” (which most of us have been hearing about for probably six months now) as Microsoft launched Office365 globally . It may not surprise…