The Medium Has the Message and My Blog Is Trying to Catch Up

I’ve really been digging the content I’ve been finding through Medium for the last few months or so. The Web is ever-evolving and to me Medium represents a new paradigm for Web publishing and content consumption. It’s sort of blogging combined with content crowd-sourcing combined with highlighting like I have on my Kindle combined with… Well,…

Displaying Blog Posts in Different Sites in SharePoint 2010

SharePoint blogs are no one’s favorite. There is just enough functionality there to make them useful, but not enough functionality to make them useful enough. On top of that, blogs are sites, not lists. That seems counterintuitive on one level – isn’t it just a list of posts? – but it makes sense on other…

Moving My Blog from to Hosted

I’ve been thinking about moving my blog from to some sort of hosted environment running’s version of WordPress for a while. With all of the jQuery and CSS stuff that I do and other possibilities for customization and monetization, it just makes a lot of sense for me to have more control over…