How to Fix Recurring Meeting Workspace Error: ‘g_InstanceID’ is undefined

I was having a problem with Meeting Workspaces today.  The links to each meeting instance on the left Quick Launch were not working, and every time we clicked on one of them, we would get a JavaScript error: ‘g_InstanceID’ is undefined.  At first, I assumed that my CSS must be hiding a control that was required…

Question About My “Web Parts Falling Off the Page” Post and a Few Suggestions

I got another comment to my previous post about Web Parts falling off the page this morning that I can’t respond to due to the sender’s communication preferences, so I’ll answer it here. Hi Marc, With reference to your blog entry have you found any solutions to this weird problem. I am having the same…

Office Application Compatibility with SharePoint

I’m often asked about the differences in Office 2003 and 2007 compatibility with SharePoint.  There’s an extremely detailed document on Microsoft’s site that explains it in ‘Good, Better, Best’ terms.  You can find the article entitled Microsoft SharePoint Products and Technologies Document: Microsoft Office Programs and SharePoint Products and Technologies Integration – Fair, Good, Better,…