SPSecurityTrimmedControl – Possible Values for PermissionsString

I’m working on an Intranet where virtually everyone will be a Contributor.  We’ve built custom navigation paths to customized forms for the content input, so we want to hide the “View All Site Content” links on every page.  We want to hide it from everyone except the users who have Full Control. The master page,…

Setting Multi-Select Widths in a SharePoint EditForm.aspx Using JavaScript

<UPDATE date=”2009-01-25″> I now have a function in my jQuery Library for SharePoint Web Services called SPSetMultiSelectSizes which accomplishes this in a more robust way, taking into account the font, font size, etc. </UPDATE> When you have a multi-select lookup column in a list, SharePoint provides you with a control that shows two select boxes next to each…

Changing Page Layout “Value does not fall within expected range.” Error

We just did a Site Collection backup from a development environment into a staging environment.  The development environment can only be accessed through a VPN while the staging environment is available through the Internet. When I went to change the page layout for a site’s welcome page (default.aspx), I got the following error: After some…

Passing Query String Values as Part of the Source Query String Parameter in SharePoint

SharePoint has a nice capability on many pages where, if you pass a Query String parameter named Source with a value of a page URL, the user is returned to that page when they are done with the activity.  An example would be when a user clicks on an ‘Add new document’ list on a…