Building a Non-SharePoint Site for a Change – Part Deux

I’ve had a few more thoughts from working on my wife’s Web site (now publicly available at  Being a Webmaster should not be dismissed as a pedestrian task! Accessibility Not all sites have to be fully accessible as defined by the various regulations and guidelines that exist out there.  (Section 508 and WCAG 1.0…

Project and List Properties Available from CAML

When you are building a DVWP in SharePoint, there are some project (Web site) and list properties that are available to you directly from CAML that aren’t well-documented, which you can use if you request them directly.  For instance, if you add the following to your CAML <ListProperty Name=”Title” /><ProjectProperty Name=”Title” />, the titles of…

Today’s ‘Optimize Your SharePoint Investment’ from Vitale, Caturano

I want to thank my ex-colleagues at Vitale, Caturano for a great event today in Waltham at Microsoft’s offices.  There were some good presentations about the use of Sharepoint in the enterprise, about some of the vendor offerings in the space, and specific stories about how SharePoint use has evolved by Andy Kawa from Goodwin Procter LLP and by…