Trying to Be Twitterific

I’ve decided to try out this Twitter thing that all the kids are talking about.  On my recent vacation, I made a concerted effort to imagine having Twitter available as we went around doing things: “Just saw a monkey cross the road”, “Ziplining ought to be a verb because it is so much fun”, “Boy, this is…

Back to Work…

I’ve been off in Costa Rica sunning and exploring for a few weeks, but now I’m back and it’s time to get back to work! The first thing I wanted to post about is a new blog you might want to check out.  My partner in crime Sympraxis Consulting has, after a little urging, started…

iPhone and Exchange Synchronization Problems – Maybe a Solution?

In a previous post, I talked about the problems that I was having getting emails on my iPhone when I was getting SharePoint alerts.  I still haven’t figured out the issue, but here’s something I’m trying to solve it. My Exchange hosting provider recently pointed out that I had exceeded my quota, so I went…