Microsoft SharePoint “14” is now Microsoft SharePoint 2010

The official press release came out today and Tom Rizzo followed up on the Microsoft SharePoint Team Blog.  The name itself doesn’t probably mean too much (except that the MOSS acronym will no longer work – MSP2kX anyone?).  The other important piece of information in the release is the general release timeline: Exchange 2010 will…

Wait For It…The 2007 Office System Service Pack 2 coming to WSUS in April

<UPDATE date=”2009-04-15”> Seems I was a day early, as Microsoft announced today that the public release date for SP2 will be April 28.  From Gregg Keizer at Computerworld’s article Microsoft sets Office 2007 SP2 release for April 28: Microsoft Corp. has set April 28 as the release date for Office 2007 Service Pack 2 (SP2),…