Custom Forms Showing in View Selector

If you’ve ever created custom forms in a SharePoint list’s context, for example: [SiteName]/Lists/[ListName]/MyForm.aspx for a list, or [SiteName]/[DocumentLibrary]/Forms/MyForm.aspx for a Document Library you may have found that your form shows up in the list’s view selector at the upper right of the list pages. If this happens, you may have done what I’ve done…

Customization of Everything SharePoint…

This post is based on another interesting question which I answered over in the MSDN SharePoint – Design and Customization forum.  Here’s the question from SLF05: …basically, the concept of customized vs. un-customized [object within SharePoint] isn’t 100% clear. When it comes to chrome/layout/CSS type files, it’s best to keep [things] un-customized for various reasons…

Secret of Googlenomics: Data-Fueled Recipe Brews Profitability

With Microsoft’s Bing launched today, I’ve been spending some time trying to understand the whole online advertising thing better.  I’m trying to figure it out using a $50 budget to advertise our company with Microsoft adCenter.  The principles look similar to Google‘s, but are undoubtedly different enough under the covers to keep Microsoft up at night. …