Redirect to Another Page from NewForm.aspx with the New Item’s ID

UPDATE 2009-10-19: I solved this for real in the jQuery Library for SharePoint Web Services function called $().SPServices.SPRedirectWithID.  Feel free to read this post, but this is the solution you’re looking for. UPDATE 2009-10-01: I’ve posted an update on this idea.  It’s possible to simplify the interstitial page using the Web Services from the jQuery Library for…

Displaying a Multi-Select Column "Nicely"

UPDATE 2010-08-26: I’ve added this template to the SPXSLT project on Codeplex. There’s a bit more explanation there. UPDATE 2010-04-27: Shalin Parmar pointed out in a comment below that I had  a bug in the template where the separator would only be displayed between the first and second values.  I’ve made a change to the template to…

Apostrophe character in Data View Web Parts

Here’s another case where looking at my blog stats gave me an idea for a post.  There were several searches about the apostrophe character which led people to my blog today: sharepoint data view apostrophe dataview apostrophe problem sharepoint The apostrophe character (‘ or ' or ASCII character 39) is a bit of a trickster…