Onward and Upward with jQuery: Reworking My External Links JavaScript

I’ve been watching so many folks out there doing cool things with jQuery, and it’s time to bite the bullet and get up to speed.  I wanted to take a look at something I’d recently posted about and see how I could do it with jQuery rather than pure JavaScript to see what the differences…

Text-Align Fix for Firefox

If you’ve got a text-align attribute in your CSS and all looks well in Internet Explorer but not in Firefox, there’s a simple (though non-sensical) fix.  It seems that Firefox doesn’t honor the text-align attribute all the time, but there’s a Mozilla-specific tag which will force it to play nicely: The CSS above will right-justify…

Fake Latin Generator

It’s truly fun what you can find out on the Web to help out you these days.  Here’s another one: a "fake Latin" generator.  You know that unintelligible text that you see in content when you’re looking at a demo?  Well, it’s there on purpose to prevent you from focusing on the text and instead…