Passing a Source Parameter on the Query String with Multiple Other Parameters

I’ve posted on similar tricks to this in the past, but this little trick is really helpful and worth calling out on its own.  Say that you’d like to pass a Source parameter on the query String, as SharePoint often does for you: http://servername/sites/sitename/Lists/MyList/EditForm.aspx?ID=275&Source=http://servername/sites/sitename/default.aspx Simple, and you see it all the time as you navigate…

jQuery Library for SharePoint Web Services v0.4.0 Released

This release contains two functions I’ve wanted to get into the library for a long time: $().SPServices.SPRedirectWithID and $().SPServices.SPRequireUnique.  These two functions show how you can solve tricky problems with jQuery and the SharePoint Web Services much better than any of the other approaches available, IMHO. $().SPServices.SPRequireUnique allows you to specify a page to redirect to after…

A jQuery Library for SharePoint Web Services (WSS 3.0 and MOSS): Part 1 – Why and Why Now?

Cross-posted from… Even back in the old days (late 2006) when I first started working with SharePoint 2007, I was surprised how little interactivity there was within pages.  Sure the drag and drop way to add Web Parts to pages and move them around had some “wow factor”, but most users wouldn’t even get…

SharePoint Form Radio Buttons: Switch from Vertical to Horizontal with jQuery

UPDATE 2010-05-27: Back in January, 2010, I added a generalized function called $().SPServices.SPArrangeChoices to accomplish this to my SPServices library. It works basically the same way, but can be easily called with the name of the column for which you’d like to rearrange the radio buttons or checkboxes.  It also includes an option to randomize the…