Putting the Brakes on SharePoint with jQuery – Or Not

Eric Shupps posted what some folks have considered a provocative article yesterday to his blog entitled Putting the Brakes on SharePoint with JQuery. First of all, I’m not going to trash Eric here or say that he is misguided or any of the other Internet flame-a-thon techniques.  Eric knows what he is talking about; I…

A jQuery Library for SharePoint Web Services (WSS 3.0 and MOSS): The SPSetMultiSelectSizes Function

Cross-posted from EndUserSharePoint.com… SPSetMultiSelectSizes is a function in the jQuery Library for SharePoint Web Services that lets you set the sizes of multi-select picker boxes based on the values they contain. This may sound trivial, but because of the way SharePoint constructs the pickers as compound controls, it’s less straightforward than you might think. Background…

Going to Review a FREE Book from Packt Publishing: SharePoint Designer Tutorial

Over the weekend, I received a free copy of the book SharePoint Designer Tutorial: Working with SharePoint Websites by Mike Poole.  They have asked me to review it here on my blog, and I never turn down a free book. Is that enough for the FTC? Check out the article FTC: Bloggers who shill must…

Setting Multi-Select Picker Widths in a SharePoint Form Reliably

In an old post, I sketched out how you could set go about Setting Multi-Select Widths in a SharePoint EditForm.aspx Using JavaScript.  The code I posted there worked just fine, but took some manual tweaking every time you wanted to use it.  The basic idea is this: When SharePoint renders the multi-select control, the <div>s…