SharePoint 2010 Theme for WordPress

I got an interesting email today. I work with a company called Portal Front Hosting, a dedicated SharePoint hosting provider, and we have a new WordPress theme that is free to download and is inspired by SharePoint 2010. The link to a preview and download the theme can be found here: Since you discuss…

Enhancing the User Experience Using jQuery at SharePoint Saturday Boston #3

This weekend, I had the privilege of speaking at SharePoint Saturday Boston #3. Talbott Crowell, Pradeepa Siva, and Geoff Varosky put together another great event at the Microsoft offices in Waltham. Thanks to them and all of the sponsors! Photo tweeted by @ghurlman: My talk was about Enhancing the User Experience Using jQuery: In…

Mark Rackley “get[s] by with a little help from jQuery and SPServices…”

I was going to try to leave a comment in the teeny little box at the bottom of Mark’s post entitled I get by with a little help from jQuery and SPServices…, but I realized that I wouldn’t be able to post my code suggestions there so that they were readable, so I opted for…

Down and Dirty SPServices Solution to Solve an Emergency Request

I got one of those “red alert”, “all hands on deck” emails this morning. Someone was trying to find all of the Document Libraries in a Site Collection with a certain name that had at least one item. They were trying to solve some specific client problem (I know not what!) and it was a…