Active Directory Groups vs. SharePoint Groups for User Management: A Dilemma

<UPDATE date=”2011-02-22″> If you find this topic interesting, you might also like to read my follow up post Active Directory Groups vs. SharePoint Groups for User Management: The Denouement </UPDATE> I’m working with a small municipality and, like I always do, I recommended that they manage user groups in Active Directory as much as possible. Then they…

Displaying Links Lists’ URLs in a Content Query Web Part (CQWP) in SharePoint 2010

I was trying to use a Content Query Web Part in SharePoint 2010 today and display the URL column from a Links list. Oddly, there’s no out of the box style for this. A little Binging, an #SPHelp tweet, and I came to the conclusion that I needed to add a new style to ItemStyles.xsl…

New Selector Notation Requirement in jQuery 1.5

In a post on February 3 entitled Issues with SPServices and jQuery 1.5, I mentioned that there were some problems with SPServices and jQuery 1.5. Since then I’ve done pretty extensive testing, and I’m convinced that the only problem is that, as of jQuery 1.5, single quotes are *required* around z:row or any other similar node selector….

Finding the Contents of a SharePoint Rich Text Column with jQuery – And Changing It

After my post the other day about Finding the Contents of a SharePoint Rich Text Column with jQuery, I saw a tweet from my friend in Sweden, Christian Ståhl.!/CStahl/status/35998002397192192 The Rich Text column contents are just HTML, so there’s really no limit to what you might do to manipulate it yourself with script. Let’s look…

SPTechCon Demo Code and Solutions for "Enhancing the User Experience with jQuery"

Those of you who attended my Enhancing the User Experience with jQuery session at SPTechCon SFO 2011 know that there were no slides, just demos. I wanted to give links to those demos in case you’d like to look at any of them to pick them apart or take them as starting points for functionality…