Using RequireJS to Load the Right Version of jQuery Depending on Internet Explorer Version

Here’s a cool trick you can use with RequireJS. I found it in a post by @rnsloan called Conditionally Loading jQuery 2.x. Since environments with SharePoint can often have a mixed bag of browser versions, this conditional setting lets us load jQuery 2.x when the browser can handle it (generally IE 9+) or jQuery 1.x…

Create a Simple SharePoint 2013 Employee Directory on Office365 – Part 3 – Create Display Templates

In the prior two parts of the series, I covered the idea of an employee directory (or associate directory, or person directory, or whatever you call the people in your company/organization/commune) and how to create the basic page. Once again, I want to give credit to Ari Bakker’s (@aribakker) post that shows how to set…