Moving from SPServices to Rest, Part 5: Using Promises with SOAP and REST

This entry is part 5 of 6 in the series Moving from SPServices to REST

Wouldn’t it be great if we could drive flying cars like the DeLorean in Back to the Future? Unfortunately, even though October 21, 2015 has passed us by, that’s not a reality yet. The science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke famously said, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Sometimes JavaScript promises can feel…

SharePoint TechFest Houston 2015 Follow Up

I spent an enjoyable couple of days down in Houston this week, where I was privileged to speak to SharePoint TechFest Houston 2015. Thanks to Sean, Andrea, and their team for having me. Here are the slides from the two sessions I did. [slideshare id=54457344&doc=sharepointtechfesthouston2015-movingfromsoaptorest-151028011637-lva1-app6892] [slideshare id=54457294&doc=sharepointtechfesthouston2015-creatingagreatuserexperienceinsharepoint-151028011445-lva1-app6892]

Using ETags in SharePoint REST Calls to Manage Concurrency Control

Have you ever needed to generate a unique identifying number, sort of like the ID column in a list? Well, until I started learning the REST APIs, I had no idea how we could ever do this in SharePoint. With the adherence to the OData standards, we can do this and more using eTags to…

Reasons to [Still] Love SharePoint’s SOAP Web Services

There are still reasons to love the SOAP Web Services (hopefully using SPServices!) even though they have been deprecated by Microsoft in SharePoint 2013 (and one can assume to upcoming SharePoint 2016) and SharePoint Online. There are times when the REST API just doesn’t provide functionality we need, and the SOAP Web Services are a…