Setting Multi-Select Widths in a SharePoint EditForm.aspx Using JavaScript

<UPDATE date=”2009-01-25″> I now have a function in my jQuery Library for SharePoint Web Services called SPSetMultiSelectSizes which accomplishes this in a more robust way, taking into account the font, font size, etc. </UPDATE> When you have a multi-select lookup column in a list, SharePoint provides you with a control that shows two select boxes next to each…

Changing Page Layout “Value does not fall within expected range.” Error

We just did a Site Collection backup from a development environment into a staging environment.  The development environment can only be accessed through a VPN while the staging environment is available through the Internet. When I went to change the page layout for a site’s welcome page (default.aspx), I got the following error: After some…

Passing Query String Values as Part of the Source Query String Parameter in SharePoint

SharePoint has a nice capability on many pages where, if you pass a Query String parameter named Source with a value of a page URL, the user is returned to that page when they are done with the activity.  An example would be when a user clicks on an ‘Add new document’ list on a…