How Many Content Types Do You Need in SharePoint?

The other day, I got a question form an ex-client about Content Types: How many content types can we reasonably have in a document management collection for a large organization, with multiple document libraries? I am proposing using around 200 content types. We are 12,000 people in 130 countries, so we are big and complex….

MetaVis Webinar “Developing in SharePoint’s Middle Tier” Wrap Up

It was great doing the webinar for MetaVis yesterday called “Developing in SharePoint’s Middle Tier“. Thanks to Dave Coleman (@davecoleman146) for the invitation to do this and the facilitation, and to Peter Senescu of MetaVis. If you haven’t looked at MetaVis’ tools for managing your SharePoint farm, whether for migration, working with your information architecture,…

Using SPServices with jQueryUI’s Autocomplete Function on InfoPath Forms in SharePoint

Yes, that title says using jQueryUI on InfoPath forms in SharePoint. InfoPath forms are fantastic, except when they just aren’t quite able to do what you want. While InfoPath can help you take your SharePoint list forms to a whole new level, there may be times when you want to add some behavior to those…