InnerWorkings Adds SharePoint 2010 to Its Learning Platform in Partnership with USPJ Academy

Over at the USPJ Academy, we’re really excited to finally be able to talk publicly about the partnership we’ve formed with InnerWorkings. We’ve been working hard with them over the last few months to get our content and platform capabilities integrated with theirs to deliver our classes to their customer base. We’re proud of our…

Microsoft SharePoint Conference 2011 Day #3 Thoughts

The conference continues along at breakneck speed toward tomorrow’s wrap up. I’ve noticed a few themes I thought were worth recording. As with almost all SharePoint events, I still see an overabundance of sessions focused on the technology side of SharePoint and not enough sessions focused on the so-called “business” side. The technology shouldn’t even…

Microsoft SharePoint Conference 2011 Keynote Thoughts

The keynotes this morning at SPC11 were great Microsoft marketing. We heard about all of the hopes and dreams the product team has (probably driven to a large degree by the Marketing folks) for SharePoint use and adoption. We heard that Office365 is taking off like gangbusters and solves a whole class of somewhat unidentified…