Rotating Announcements with a Data View Web Part and jQuery

Oftentimes people go searching for plugins and already-written code to accomplish their goals. I find that it often gets people into more trouble than it’s worth as they usually don’t understand what they have deployed and it doesn’t work well in their specific situation. Of course, here I am posting something that those of you…

jQuery Library for SharePoint Web Services (SPServices) v0.7.0 Beta 1 Available

Tonight I posted the first (we always hope the only) beta for SPServices v0.7.0. Initially I was calling this release v0.6.3, but when jQuery 1.7 was released and it caused problems with SPServices, I decided to bump the version so that the sevens matched. Get it? 1.7 and v0.7.0? Such are the complex decisions we…

Base Your SharePoint Database Architecture on Business Requirements First, Database Concerns Second

Sometimes when I’m speaking at SharePoint events, I’ll mention something about the fact that “the geeks” make decisions about Site Collections and database boundaries that are a detriment to the users. I got a question about this the other day: …you mentioned something that I wanted to follow up on: basically it was a warning…

SPSUK and SEF11 Wrap Up

It was a great pleasure to be able to make a small swoop through Europe this last week to present at SharePoint Saturday UK (SPSUK) in Nottingham, England and at the SharePoint and Exchange Forum 2011 (SEF11) in Stockholm, Sweden. Both events were well-attended, with something like 250-350 eager learners at each. it’s always interesting…