Finding the Distribution of Column Types in a SharePoint List with SPServices

I just went through a little exercise that was simple, but fun, and I thought I’d share. As part of building my new SPXmlToJson function for SPServices, I wanted to spin through some of my lists to see what the various types of columns were and count the occurrences. Sure, I could have probably just…

Adding JSON Capability to SPServices

For quite a while, I’ve gotten requests to offer some sort of JSON conversion capability in SPServices. The requests have often been fairly non-specific, meaning that they haven’t mentioned a particular Web Service operation, like GetListItems or GetWeb. However, I think that most people want to be able to get convert the XML they get…

Why Marketers Should Learn To Program – But Wait, There’s More

Image via Wikipedia A little while ago, Christian Buckley (@buckleyplanet) retweeted a link to an intriguing blog post from Scott Brinker (@chiefmartec) entitled Why marketers should learn how to program.  Scott’s main points center around the idea that for Marketers to be truly successful these days, they should learn at least the rudiments of software…