Configuring Lync Public IM Connectivity on Office365: But Can I Really Use It?

I use Office365 on an E1 plan to run my massive business of one. With that plan, I get Exchange, SharePoint, and Lync. It’s a fantastic deal for about $10 a month and works great for me. I’ve sort of ignored the Lync component since there are so many other (somewhat better) options out there….

SharePoint Designer Error When Saving a Page with Multiple Data View Web Parts

I could probably write an entire book on the strange things that SharePoint Designer does, but I don’t have time for that. Instead, it’s yet another blog post. Today I was adding some Data View Web Parts (DWVPs) to a page, and I took the shortcut of copying and pasting the code of one to…

SharePoint Saturday Boston and SharePoint Conference .ORG

I’ve had a wonderful time over the last four days as an attendee and speaker at two great SharePoint events. The first one was SharePoint Saturday Boston, right in my own backyard at Microsoft’s offices in Waltham, MA. Helping Pradeepa Siva, Talbott Crowell (@talbott), and Geoff Varosky (@gvaro) with the organizing a bit certainly gave…

Making Sense of HTML5 with SharePoint: Internet Explorer 9 Capabilities

Let’s take as a sort of given that the majority of people who use SharePoint, at least for Intranets, are using Internet Explorer. I know that’s a big assumption, and in most organizations it’s not fully true. Many people choose to go rogue from the standards and use other browsers, most front end developers refuse…