Using Unescaped CAML in a Data View Web Part (DWVP) in SharePoint Designer 2010

I’ve created more customized Data View Web Parts (DVWPs) than I could possibly count, but I still learn new stuff all the time. Tonight I was trying to get a DVWP to switch into DataSourceMode=”CrossList” and I accidentally noticed a nice little trick. If you right-click on the DVWP and select Properties, a Tag Properties…

SPXSLT (SharePoint XSL Templates) Release 0.0.9

I’ve just released a new version of the SPXSLT Codeplex Project, version 0.0.9. In this release, I added one new template called FixAmpersands. FixAmpersands is useful when you want to “join’ two lists in an AggregateDataSource in a Data View Web Part (DVWP) and the column you are uisng as the key may contain ampersands….