SharePoint Saturday New Hampshire (SPSNH) and SharePointFest Chicago 2012 Follow Up

Last week was a busy one for me, not so much with client work (though I managed to get a lot of that in, too), but with speaking at SharePoint events. On Saturday, September 22, I was honored to deliver one sixth of the sessions in the keynote slot which kicked off the day. My…

jQuery Library for SharePoint Web Services (SPServices) v0.7.2 Released

Today I’m releasing SPServices v0.7.2. If you are using an earlier version of SPServices, I suggest that you upgrade to this version, as you will most likely see some performance improvements, especially if you use multiple value-added functions on the same forms pages. Thanks to everyone who downloaded the beta over the last month or…

SharePoint Designer 2013′s Missing Design View – More Thoughts

I’ve written previously about SharePoint Designer 2013′s Missing Design View here on my blog as well as on the Microsoft forums and elsewhere.. My goal in writing about this and making a lot of noise about it is not to simply complain. (We have way more complaining about everything out here on the InterWebz than we…