SPServices Stories #4 – Using SPServices to Process Files from a Non-Microsoft Source

This entry is part 4 of 21 in the series SPServices Stories

Introduction SPServices Stories #4 comes to us from Michael Broschat. Michael claims he’s just a “regular old contractor, nothing special”. He lives in the DC metro area (Northern Virginia, specifically), although he’s originally a West Coast boy. Using SPServices to Process Files from a Non-Microsoft Source Our system involves email messages sent to a SharePoint…

SusQTech “30 on Thursday” Webinar “Top 10 jQuery Uses in SharePoint 2010”

I want to thank the fineĀ folks at SusQTech (@SusQTech) – Steve Witt (@SPLumberjack) and Julia Oates (@juliaoates), in particular – for asking me to present in their “30 on Thursday” webinar series today. We had a great turn out and it’s a given that I love to talk about SharePoint and jQuery together. It’s like…

Referencing jQuery, jQueryUI, and SPServices from CDNs – Revisited

In my previous post entitled Referencing jQuery, jQueryUI, and SPServices from CDNs, I provided the references to quickly add jQuery, jQueryUI, and SPServices from the CDNs I typically use. However, I made a bit of a faux pas in what I provided. It’s better to omit the protocol in the references. Browsers will simply use…

SPServices Compatibility Issues with jQuery 1.9.1

Ouch. Last week, several alert SPServices users reported issues with jQuery 1.9.0. (See: SPServices Compatibility Issues with the Minified Version of jQuery 1.9.0) It turned out that the minified version of 1.9.0 had a comment at the end of it that caused any jQuery library which followed it to throw errors. Today, I had a…

Refreshing a Page Section with a User-selected Interval Set with jQueryUI’s Slider

I’m still doing lots of work with SharePoint 2007, even while many of my compatriots have moved on almost exclusively to 2013 work. The new shiny stuff is fun and all, but just because it’s new doesn’t mean that all the good work is there. Both SharePoint 2007 and 2010 are still providing valuable collaborative…