SPServices Stories #10 – jqGrid Implementation Using SPServices in SharePoint

This entry is part 10 of 21 in the series SPServices Stories

Introduction Today’s SPServices Story comes from Prateek Kulkarni in Bengaluru, India. Prateek posted this originally on the C# Corner site as jqGrid Implementation Using SpServices in SharePoint. As with several of the earlier SPServices Stories posts, I found this one interesting because it shows how to use SPServices with another framework to render the results…

SPServices Futures: Moving to jQuery’s Deferred Objects and More

As I gear up to work on the next release of SPServices, I want to make some pretty fundamental changes/improvements to the internal plumbing. What I’m hoping to do with this post is to gather any ideas and feedback that the user community has about the implementation before I go too far with things. Deferred…

SPServices Stories #9: Developing with Client-side Technologies: jQuery, REST, SPServices and jsRender

This entry is part 9 of 21 in the series SPServices Stories

Introduction Here’s another SPServices Stories post that is a bit older and talks about how you can use SPServices with other popular plugins and frameworks. While this is possible with the CSOM, I’ve always found that SPServices provides a much tighter and more controllable syntax. You probably can’t trust me on that, though, since I wrote it….