SharePoint Designer 2013 Crashing on Open Site: The Fix

The Problem My Office365 tenant has become half-upgraded from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013. (If you want to read more of my whinging about this, checkout this thread on SPYam.) This leaves me in the unenviable position of having to use SharePoint Designer 2013 (SPD2013) with my SharePoint 2010 Office 365 tenant. Unenviable because, as…

SPServices Stories #13: Durandal SP3: Developing SharePoint SPAs Made Easy

This entry is part 13 of 21 in the series SPServices Stories

Introduction Rainer Wittman (@RainerAtSpirit) and I have been emailing back and forth for a few weeks now. He’s been trying out the new alpha of SPServices 2013.01 which includes jQuery promises aka Deferred objects capabilities (soon to be a real release, I promise!) with the Durandal JavaScript framework. Durandal is a framework for building SPAs,…

Setting Up BCS and the Secure Store Service in SharePoint 2010

It’s supposed to be simple to set up an External Content Type with SharePoint Designer. You just create the connection, flick a few settings, and voila, you’ve got external data available in SharePoint. At least every time I’ve seen it demoed, it works really well. The blog posts out there also paint is as a…

Displaying Blog Posts in Different Sites in SharePoint 2010

SharePoint blogs are no one’s favorite. There is just enough functionality there to make them useful, but not enough functionality to make them useful enough. On top of that, blogs are sites, not lists. That seems counterintuitive on one level – isn’t it just a list of posts? – but it makes sense on other…

Working Title: Black Magic Solutions for White Hat SharePoint

Here’s something really exciting. I’m one of nine authors for an upcoming SharePoint book we’re putting together with Mark Miller (@EUSP), good old Mr. EndUserSharePoint himself. It’s going to be all about using script with SharePoint in interesting and (we hope!) useful ways. As with our SharePoint 2010 at Work: Tricks, Traps, and Bold Opinions book, we’re each…