SharePoint 2013’s Search Continuous Crawl: An Enigma

I’m doing some work in SharePoint 2013 and we want to take advantage of as many out of the box capabilities as possible. We’re replacing an existing Intranet that has grown up in SharePoint from 2007 to 2010, and we’d like to rebuild with as little custom code as possible, since SharePoint 2013 now contains features…

jQuery Library for SharePoint Web Services (SPServices) 2013.01 Released

Tonight I’ve released SPServices 2013.01. If you are using an earlier version of SPServices, I strongly suggest that you upgrade to this version, as you will see some performance improvements and there is some nice new functionality. Thanks to everyone who downloaded the beta and provided feedback. jQuery Promises By far the most exciting thing in this release…

Determine if a SharePoint Publishing Page Is in Design Mode (Edit Mode) with Script

Today I was working on some script for the home page of a SharePoint 2013 site which added the jQueryUI accordion behaviour to all of the Web Parts within a Web Part Zone. When I went into edit mode, it was pretty frustrating to have the accorsdions kick in, so I looked around for a way…

Comparing SPServices 2013.01 Calls with Async vs. Promises Methods

SPServices 2013.01 is almost ready for release and I’m hoping that when you see the coolness here that you’ll want to get your hands on the beta to do a little testing with it. I’ve put together a pretty simple demo page to show how great it can be to use jQuery .Deferred objects (aka…

SharePoint Saturday Boston 2013 Wrap Up

Thanks to all who came to my session “Creating a Great User Experience in SharePoint” today at SharePoint Saturday Boston 2013. As promised, I’ve posted the slides to SlideShare. You can either view them on SlideShare or below. As always, I learned a lot from the conversations and other sessions. It’s great to have the chance to…