Thoughts on the Discontinuation of the Microsoft Masters Program by Microsoft Learning

I’m putting aside a fun post I’m working on about how my recent trip to Africa and seeing its wildlife on our safari relates to SharePoint to write this unfortunate post instead. As most of you know, Microsoft sent an email to all of its MCMs/MCSMs/MCMAs (I cannot keep acronyms – nay, initializations – straight….

Collaboration is About Behavior, Not Software

Supriyo B “SB” Chatterjee (@sbc111) shared an excellent article on SPYam last night from Adi Gaskell’s (@adigaskell) blog. In the article, Adi says: If only it was that simple. The reality is often very different however. The reality is often that most organisations are not collaborative at the moment. Employee behaviour has been ingrained through…

SPServices Stories #15: Custom Client-side Calendar Query for Office 365 SharePoint Site Using SPServices jQuery Library

This entry is part 15 of 21 in the series SPServices Stories

Introduction My friend and fellow MVP Becky Bertram (@beckybertram) recently acquiesced to my suggestion to try using SPServices to solve a challenge she had in rolling up calendar items across lists. I know it may often seem that since SPServices is my hammer that I always say to whack the nails with it, but sometimes it’s…

‘Black Magic Solutions for White Hat SharePoint’ Available on Amazon

The jQuery and SharePoint book we’ve been working on over the last few months, Black Magic Solutions for White Hat SharePoint, is finished and available in the Kindle Store at Amazon. The book features information about how to use jQuery and real solutions that power users or developers can implement without any deployment to SharePoint…

SPServices Stories #14: Create a Slide Show in SharePoint 2010 using an Announcements List and SPServices

This entry is part 14 of 21 in the series SPServices Stories

Introduction It’s been a while since I’ve posted a new SPServices Story. This one was sitting in my draft bucket for way too long, so a big sorry goes out to Trace Armstrong (@TraceBArmstrong). Trace wrote this post about using SPServices to drive a slideshow using an announcements list as the source. This is the…