Single-Page Applications (SPAs) in SharePoint Using SPServices – Part 1 – Introduction

Single-page applications (SPAs) are nothing new on the Web. However, like Responsive Web Design (RWD), SPAs are gaining favor as a way to enable real work with an improved user experience (UX). From the Wikipedia definition of SPA: A single-page application (SPA), also known as single-page interface (SPI), is a web application or web site…

SharePoint and Exchange Forum (SEF) 2013 Wrap Up

I’m just returning from another splendid time at the SharePoint and Exchange Forum (SEF) conference in Stockholm, Sweden. This year, the conference was actually international: it was held on the Silja Symphony cruise ship in both the Stockholm and Helsinki harbors. It was an interesting and fun venue for a conference, and for those organizers…

Item ‘Modified By’ Value Doesn’t Change: Fixing a Damaged Column Schema

I ran into an odd situation the other day at one of my clients. When people edited existing list or library items in *some* lists (we couldn’t discern a pattern) the Modified By (Editor) column value did not change. The date/time stamp (Modified) was updated, but not the person who made the modification. We found…